Soon our e-shop!

Devenir illustrateur Fucking Ride

Are you a graphic designer, graffiti artist, designer, illustrator, comic artist, graphic designer, or just creative? Are you a professional, a "nugget" in the making, a particularly gifted complete stranger or completely crazy with style? Do you have a definite interest in the different universes of Fucking Ride? So we invite you to join our creative team by submitting your work to the brand’s artistic team.

The first editions of Fucking Ride t-shirts will be available from September 2023. If you want to be kept informed of the release of our first t-shirts, enter your email below!

All styles are welcome at Fucking Ride

The principle to join the team of illustrators Fucking Ride?

Use the form below to help us get to know you better and send us the links to your on-line book, your social networks or, if you don’t have one, several of the most representative illustrations of your work and your style. Every week, the Fucking Ride artistic team meets to incorporate new talents and enrich its graphic offer.

How does this work in practice?

Once your "Style" has been validated by the artistic team, we will send you a file containing our various proposals in terms of visuals, quality, formats, themes and types of "Fails". We provide you with the photos or video extracts of the "Fails" that we would like to see illustrated, but you also have the option of looking for other equivalent visuals on your own. Your mission consists of a pure re-interpretation of these visuals. The photo and video documents provided are purely indicative and leave you a great freedom of interpretation (Character, environment, style, etc.). Only the situation and the type of “Fail“ must be respected. You have the possibility of proposing one or more visuals on one or more themes. Upon receipt of each of your visuals, we will let you know if it has been selected by the artistic team. If this is the case, we integrate you directly into the associated artists on the edition of the t-shirt concerned.

Printing mode of Fucking Ride t-shirts

With the exception of special series, all Fucking Ride t-shirts are printed individually and on demand. No unnecessary stock and better environmental respect with a production that responds to a reality of orders with, however, a longer production time and an average delivery of 10 to 20 days depending on the series selected.

Your illustrations judged by buyers!

Each illustration and its author will benefit from the same presentation within the Fucking Ride corporate site (this one…) and the e-shop under construction. No specific highlighting of this or that illustration and consequently the "buyers" will be the only judges of the success of your achievements. Your illustration is a cardboard box and we are selling 2,000 copies. You will thus receive up to €2,000 in “Royalties“, an amount never seen in the profession for the production of a visual. Moreover you are in no way limited in the number of illustrations to submit to us. A way to multiply your earnings.

What compensation?

We offer our illustrators four levels of compensation.

Level 1

Dès la vente du premier tee-shirt avec le visuel que vous avez réalisé vous recevez sous 10 jours, 50€ net (Facture en nom propre ou facture société).

Level 2

For each additional t-shirt sale you receive an additional €1. Payment is made every 2 months at the end of the month. Depending on the success of your illustrations, you can thus obtain potential gains of up to €2,000 (or even €4,000 if you become a Gold Fucking Ride artist and your illustration is a real tsunami!), in addition to the €50 already received. Each illustration will be "printed" at least 2,000 copies or more.

Level 3

Your illustrations are best-sellers and you have sold at least 1,000 t-shirts out of 2 limited series with your illustrations. You become GOLD ARTIST and your remuneration goes to Level 2 on all your next illustrations, i.e. from 1 to 2€ per t-shirt sold with potential earnings of up to 4,000€ depending on the number of t-shirts sold and the limited editions concerned.

Level 4

Once the GOLD ARTIST level has been reached, you will be consulted in priority by the Fucking Ride artistic team for the creation of the visuals for the special "TEAM" editions. We will call on you to illustrate the "Fails" of well-known professional pilots and athletes, all disciplines combined. Your Level 2 remuneration will then be higher as well as the earnings on the sale of the t-shirts sold. You will also benefit from regular promotion in the NEWS section of the site in order to make your illustrations but also your artistic work known to as many people as possible.

What type of contract?

You act as an external service provider, in the context of invoicing in your own name or via the company of your choice (auto-entrepreneur, artists’ house, etc.). The rights to your illustrations will be automatically transferred for a specific series of t-shirts and a maximum number of copies, indications specified in each contract linked to an illustration. A possible reissue of t-shirts, other clothing or accessories with your illustrations will be the subject of a new contract.

To contact us and receive our creation file, please fill out the form below
Contact details
Your request

* obligatoire

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